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Archive for the ‘ColdFusion’ Category

ColdFusion Frameworks

Working With ColdFusion Frameworks

Frameworks can drastically reduce the time frame of your Development Cycles by letting you focus on the fundamental business solutions rather than getting trapped in the nitty-gritty of developing repetitive code. For instance let’s say you are working on an enterprise level online accounting system coded in ColdFusion. Instead of writing tons of code on how to handle transactions with the database and user verifications, you can work on the actual logic of the accounting system because the framework you are working with provides you with all the necessary routines to take care of repetitive but essential tasks.

So basically a framework is like a library of different code routines that you can use as and when you need them, but the big difference is that once you start working under a framework, it basically controls your work flow, and this is not in a bad way. A framework helps you streamline your development process and maintain code so that it can be easily used and customized. (more…)

Seeking Web Development Subcontractors

Is your Company overwhelmed by more accounts than you can handle? Or maybe you have a nice Contract opportunity, but don’t have the skills to deliver it…

The trend nowadays, especially after many disappointments of outsourcing to other continents and odd time zones in the past years, is to Subcontract your overhead Web Development and Programming tasks to experienced, U.S based Companies that don’t work while you sleep. (more…)

Adobe Max 2008 Event

I just noticed the news on the Adobe Website, about their upcoming North American Event.
MAX 2008 is an opportunity to connect with the Adobe community. The North American event will take place in San Francisco, California on November 16-19, 2008
At the event, Adobe will bring together the most creative and influential minds in the community, from designers and developers to executives and partners, for three days that they claim will shape the future of the industry.

MAX is an Adobe Conference centered on the ecosystem of companies, developers, and designers using Adobe Tools such as Adobe ColdFusion, Adobe Air, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Flex, and other Adobe products .

ColdFusion 8 Update (8.0.1)

ColdFusion 8 Update 1 provides developers with 64-bit support for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux, and provides the latest updates to ColdFusion 8. Adobe recommends that all ColdFusion 8 users apply this free update.


Building Rich Internet Applications Using Flex 2 And Coldfusion

There was a time when even simple HTML pages used to make us happy. A few hyperlinks here and a couple of form elements there and you would have an “interactive” presence on the Internet.

JavaScript and CSS improved things to a great extent but still the functionalities on a webpage could never even remotely match the interface of a desktop application. With the advent of Flash things spiced up a bit but they were still on the static side. There was nothing that we could call interactive and dynamic in the Flash animations that the developers created. Although there is a fair amount of “programming” that you can do in Flash, this feature never caught on with hardcore programmers because interface designing skills were always required; they needed something that could help them create Flash applications by simply having to write code. Flex was developed keeping this in mind. And with this was born the concept of Rich Internet Applications. (more…)

7 Reasons Managers Like Fusebox

It’s not just developers who have made Fusebox the most popular web application framework for ColdFusion and PHP. Project managers and team leads also value Fusebox for:

  1. Fusebox offers excellent support for team development — even when developers are geographically separate. Fusedocs (the program definition language used by Fusebox architects) insures that each developer knows exactly what is required to successfully complete their portion of the project. (more…)

Web development with ColdFusion

Ecomsolutions Inc has been developing ColdFusion applications — e-commerce websites and online content management solutions — for more than five years with an unbeaten track record. There has not been even a single instance of project failure during this triumphant phase of ColdFusion web development. But why web development with ColdFusion and not with some other programming or scripting language such as PHP, Ruby on rails or Python? First of all ColdFusion is amazingly fast; it is so fast that sometimes it seems like magic. It is a language specifically evolved for enterprise level solutions, although it can be easily used — without resorting to an overkill — for smaller websites and applications too. In fact you can use ColdFusion for static web sites too but it is rarely done. It can be easily integrated with any platform from Java to .Net and it supports all Web 2.0 web development features and enhancements such as Ajax and user generated content management. Most of the online content and document management applications are developed using ColdFusion because of its unmatched features.

The web development methodologies at Ecomsolutions Inc are time-tested as well as innovative; sometimes we strictly follow the rules and sometimes we define our own rules in order to deliver the maximum benefit to our customers. As a first step towards delivering world-class online application solutions we have only been focusing on programming in ColdFusion. Other than that our strict quality control mechanism is a self-regulatory system that is set in motion as soon as a new project initiates.

We employ highly modular web development techniques while developing solutions for our customers. Due to a very high efficiency level we are able to minimize the time spent on web development and maximize the output and hence charge a very reasonable rate from our customers. Of course ColdFusion has a great part in it because when you work in ColdFusion coding efficiency is handled by its environment automatically.

Our web development activities are mostly centered around developing highly advanced e-commerce and online content publishing solutions for our customers from all over the world. You can easily say that when it comes to developing e-commerce and online publishing applications we have developed an incomparable expertise during the past five years. We have left no stone unturned trying to understand all the aspects of this great niche.

In our further posts we will be delving more on web development in ColdFusion.

Hire ColdFusion Developers

EcomSolutions always looking to Hire Senior ColdFusion Developers .

The Senior ColdFusion Application Developer is responsible for assessing client input and creating and building conceptual, compelling and usable web applications, preparing detailed specifications, writing ColdFusion code, designing databases and performing testing/debugging of code to support business processes.  Experience Level: 5 Years.     


SQL Injection Attacks, Easy To Prevent, But Apparently Still Ignored

I was just on a web site (no, not a ColdFusion powered site, and no I will not name names) browsing for specific content. The URLs used typical name=value query string conventions, and so I changed the value to jump to the page I wanted. And I made a typo and added a character to the numeric value. The result? An invalid SQL error message.That’s bad. Very very bad. It means that I was able to create a SQL statement that was submitted to the database for processing, a SQL statement that was passed to the database as is, unchecked.

You’d think that by now we’d have learned to lock down our code so as to prevent SQL injection attacks, but apparently this is not the case. You do not know what a SQL injection attack is? Well, read on.

Consider the following simple dynamic ColdFusion query: (more…)

ColdFusion 8 Cumulative Hot Fix 2 Available

The second ColdFusion 8 cumulative hot fix pack has been released. This hot fix contains the 7 fixes from hot fix 1, plus 14 additional fixes.


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