ColdFusion Software Development Company ColdFusion Software Development Company

AJAX Working Within ColdFusion Environments

ColdFusion development goes hand in hand with AJAX development. But what exactly is AJAX, and when integrating it with a ColdFusion application, why should you use an expert ColdFusion development company?

AJAX or asynchronous JavaScript and XML technology uses a number of web development techniques to render web applications completely free of interruption. This is made possible by AJAX’s ability to transmit and receive information from servers without affecting the overall appearance of the web page, hence the term “asynchronous.” The technology and language of AJAX has had a number of stunning applications for the average web user, as it allows seamless communication between users and servers, eliminating the need for constant refreshing. Flash applications, to give an example, are able to spontaneously send, receive, and display information about loading progress, running time, and other live data. (more…)

The Advantages of Developing Websites With ColdFusion

ColdFusion CompanyDeveloping websites and web applications with ColdFusion offers a number of advantages that allow ColdFusion programmers to build highly effective web based applications. This dynamic program does not require a lot of coding such as PHP, JSP, and ASP based applications. The ease of use, high runtime performance and its dependability are among the main reasons why this ColdFusion is such a popular choice among ColdFusion programming professionals as well as ColdFusion development specialists. This application can quickly produce dynamic web based applications that have advanced functionality and features. Prior to selecting a ColdFusion web development company, it is important to ensure they can support this comprehensive application. (more…)

Coldfusion Software Development Information Video

Hello everyone,

We are proud to present our new video explaining the Coldfusion application development services we offer. Enjoy,

We offer a wide variety of Coldfusion services. We can provide all your Coldfusion needs, everything from Coldfusion hosting, to Coldfusion software and application development

To see a full list of the Coldfusion software development services we offer click here.

ColdFusion Frameworks

Working With ColdFusion Frameworks

Frameworks can drastically reduce the time frame of your Development Cycles by letting you focus on the fundamental business solutions rather than getting trapped in the nitty-gritty of developing repetitive code. For instance let’s say you are working on an enterprise level online accounting system coded in ColdFusion. Instead of writing tons of code on how to handle transactions with the database and user verifications, you can work on the actual logic of the accounting system because the framework you are working with provides you with all the necessary routines to take care of repetitive but essential tasks.

So basically a framework is like a library of different code routines that you can use as and when you need them, but the big difference is that once you start working under a framework, it basically controls your work flow, and this is not in a bad way. A framework helps you streamline your development process and maintain code so that it can be easily used and customized. (more…)


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