Thoughts, ideas, tips, musings, and pontifications (not necessarily in that order) by Ben Forta …
NOTE: This is my personal blog, and the opinions and statements voiced here are my own.
ColdFusion 8 Can Return Identity Values
Here’s another ColdFusion 8 goodie that I just learned about yesterday …
If you are using a database table with an identity (auto-increment) field, ColdFusion 8 can automatically return the newly created field value for you, without needing a trigger or a subsequent <CFQUERY>. All you need to do is look in the <CFQUERY> optional RESULT structure, and if available the value will just be there. This feature is very DBMS and driver specific (and unfortunately does not seem to be supported by Apache Derby), and the name of the structure member containing the generated value is different based on the DBMS being used. Here are the ones you should be aware of:
SQL Server: result.IDENTITYCOL
Oracle: result.ROWID
Sybase: result.SYB_IDENTITY
Informix: result.SERIAL_COL
DB2: result.KEY_VALUE
MySQL: result.GENERATED_KEY (MySQL 4 and 5 only, MySQL 3 does not support this feature)
Very nice indeed!
Ben Forta
Posted in ColdFusion
The new Adobe ColdFusion 8 represents a major improvement over previous versions of the software. First of all, it enjoys a significant boost in performance, capable of processing considerably more application page requests. The overall server performance is now 4.25 times faster than MX 7. In addition, the performance improvement in specific functional areas is up to 38.7 times over the previous version. (more…)
Posted in ColdFusion
ColdFusion 8, A Quick Look at the cfAjaxProxy Tag
Posted in ColdFusion
Originally released by Allaire back in 1995, ColdFusion is a computer software package and development framework that is mostly utilized to create dynamic Web sites. Since its debut, the software has steadily evolved in both usability and functionality. The latest version, ColdFusion 8, features a host of major improvements including easier document and image manipulation and integration into large-scale IT environments.
There is now a server monitor, available with select editions, which helps to identify potential workflow problems, thus increasing both performance and efficiency. A much more robust interaction with the widely-used Adobe Acrobat PDF document format has been enabled, with dynamic generation of both documents and forms now possible. This particular feature has the potential to make it much easier to share information via PDF, as ColdFusion 8 can create them using standard HTML, with no other coding needed. (more…)
Posted in ColdFusion
Ben Forta
Ben Forta is an author and Senior Technical Evangelist for Adobe Systems focussed primarily on ColdFusion. Ben co-authored the official ColdFusion training material and certification tests. Ben lectures, speaks, and writes about application development around the world. Over 1/2 million Ben Forta books have been printed in a dozen languages worldwide.
Ben Forta was born in London. He now lives in Oak Park, Michigan with his wife Marcy and their seven children.
Posted in ColdFusion
ColdFusion is a complete application platform for developing and delivering powerful and scaleable applications. Whether you’re revolutionizing your company’s HR operations, building a new generation of your firm’s global intranet, launching the next killer .COM, building your own presence on the Web, or providing back-end power to interactive Flash applications, you’ll find the proven technology you need in ColdFusion.
ColdFusion is designed to deliver on the key requirements of Web applications:
Rapid Development – Intuitive visual tools and an innovative tag-based programming environment make ColdFusion a highly productive platform for delivering applications.
Scalable Deployment – A high performance, multithreaded architecture and advanced features such as just-in-time compiling, thread management, load balancing, and failover ensure that your applications will scale to handle the most demanding sites.
Open Standards Based – Open integration with databases, email, directories, J2EE, .NET, XML, SOAP, and enterprise systems means you can develop complex Web applications quickly and easily.
Complete Security – The latest advanced Internet security technologies and clean integration with network and Web server security, give you the services to build secure systems.
Proven – ColdFusion was the original application server (predating the term itself), is used by over 1/2 million developers on over 100,000 servers making it the most popular commercial cross-platform application solution on the market.
Posted in ColdFusion